The weekly Clinical Journal Club by Dr. Friedrich C. Luft
Usually every Wednesday 16:00 - 18:00
Summary and Presentation
The recording of the Clinical Journal Club is now available on Microsoft Stream and available on YouTube.
where: house 46, room 2314
English: 16.00
German: 17.00
To join the Clinical Journal Club via Internet use the following Teams link
Microsoft Teams-Besprechung
Am Computer oder über mobile App teilnehmen
Hier klicken, um der Besprechung beizutreten
Oder anrufen (nur Audio)
+49 69 505004910,,589179211# Germany, Frankfurt am Main
Telefonkonferenz-ID: 589 179 211#
or import the "Clinical Journal Club 1600 English; 1700 German.ics" series in your calendar.
The Landesärztekammer Berlin rated this seminar with 1 CME point.