Use of network analysis of metabolic systems in bioengineering


  • S. Schuster
  • S. Klamt
  • W. Weckwerth
  • F. Moldenhauer
  • T. Pfeiffer


  • Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering


  • 24 (6): 363-372


  • Basic ideas and recent developments in network analysis of metabolic systems and various applications of this analysis in bioengineering are reviewed. Central concepts are the null-space to the stoichiometry matrix and the elementary flux modes. The applicability of elementary-modes analysis in biotechnology is illustrated by the synthesis of the cyclooctadepsipeptides PF1022 in the fungus Mycelia sterilia. Network analysis is also useful in metabolic flux analysis. In particular, a procedure for finding out which reaction rates can be uniquely calculated in underdetermined reaction networks is outlined. The concept of 'enzyme subsets' is explained and its use for analysing genetic regulation is demonstrated. In particular, the correlation between expression data concerning the diauxic shift in yeast and the enzyme subsets in yeast metabolism is discussed.