Press release Apr 13, 2018 Two MDC scientists receive ERC grants worth several million euros Basic researchers Gary Lewin and Norbert Hübner are investigating the anchoring of ion channels and micropeptides in heart muscle cells.
Institute & Campus Apr 13, 2018 No “heart of stone” Criticism is an essential part of science. However, the personal vilification and blanket denunciation of researchers is not acceptable. Here is the MDC’s statement on the current campaign of Doctors Against Animal Experiments Germany.
Science Apr 09, 2018 Developmental scars The MDC researcher Jan Philipp Junker and his team have used CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing to pioneer a technique capable of determining both the type and origin of all the cells in an organism. They describe their method in Nature Biotechnology.
Institute & Campus Mar 28, 2018 UniStem Day 2018: Getting to the heart of stem cells Why can’t a heart regenerate itself? On March 16, 2018, UniStem Day brought cutting-edge stem cell research into schools to tackle such questions.
Science Mar 21, 2018 LifeTime – a visionary proposal for an EU Flagship Reliably predicting the onset and trajectory of a disease might seem like a distant dream. But a European consortium is aiming to achieve exactly this using a set of emerging technologies with the analysis of single cells at their core.
Science Mar 21, 2018 Faster from the laboratory to the patient: Pilot project boosts “Sleeping Beauty” against cancer The transposon system by MDC researcher Zsuzsanna Izsvák is part a new gene therapy project, funded with 2.8 million euros.
Press release Mar 15, 2018 How cells protect themselves against mechanical stress A research team led by Gary Lewin has now discovered that Piezo channels are highly sensitive to changes in membrane voltage.
Science Mar 09, 2018 Pizza: the fourth domain of life Scientists from MDC and Mainz University have collected data on the evolutionary development of pizza in a European field study.
Science Mar 09, 2018 Laugh first, think second Marc Abrahams, founder of the Ig Nobel Prizes, to give a guest lecture March 19 at the MDC.
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