cardiac MP, nerve, EC

Integrative Biomedicine

Topic 3 of our research program "Systems Medicine and Cardiovascular Diseases"

Integrative Biomedicine investigates how different organs and systems communicate with each other to maintain a healthy balance in our body (homeostasis). When these cross-talks are perturbed, multi-organ pathological conditions arise.


Today, the greatest challenges to our health, life expectancy and quality of life are associated with the progressive or acute failure of cardiovascular, neuronal and immune functions, and the emergence of cancers. All of these pathological conditions involve multiple organs. To understand their origin, progression and protective factors, we need to develop a systems-wide, transdisciplinary approach.

The image depicts cardiac-resident macrophages (green) localizing in close proximity to the vasculature (orange) and the nerve (red). DAPI staining is shown in blue. Here, we aim to understand the influence of microenvironmental niche on heterogeneous phenotypes and functionalities of cardiac macrophages. The Niche characterized here highlights cellular interactions among the nervous, vascular, and immune systems. Signaling crosstalk underlying communications among these organ systems during regenerative repair of the heart following myocardial infarction is under investigation.


To uncover and modulate systems-wide principles of homeostasis, we combine genetic engineering, advanced imaging, in-bulk and single-cell multi-omics, multi-parameter phenotypical and behavioural characterization in model systems of varying complexity. These include humanized disease models ranging from engineered cells and tissues to preclinical animal models, patient-derived cells and cohorts.

Research groups


Scientific Manager

Dr. Tanja Florin