Agouti-related protein in patients with acute and weight-restored anorexia nervosa
- J.V. Merle
- V. Haas
- R. Burghardt
- N. Doehler
- N. Schneider
- U. Lehmkuhl
- S. Ehrlich
- Psychological Medicine
- Psychol Med 41 (10): 2183-2192
An imbalance in appetite-regulating neuropeptides of the central nervous system has been associated with anorexia nervosa (AN), but the mechanisms of action are poorly understood. Agouti-related protein (AGRP), an orexigenic mediator of the hypothalamus, increases food intake and decreases energy expenditure in times of negative energy balance. The aim of the present study was to investigate AGRP in acute and fully weight-restored patients with AN, as well as during weight gain.