Animal Phenotyping Herz

Animal Phenotyping

Arnd Heuser

Clinical Chemistry

Measurement of Biochemical Parameters

The Animal Phenotyping Platform is able to perform comprehensive analyses of your animals' laboratory values. Up to 39 biochemical parameters can be determined from serum, plasma or urine by a colorimetric measurement approach. Amounts of electrolytes, i.e. sodium, potassium and chloride, can be identified by electric conductance with ion selective electrodes (ISE) in your samples.

Each parameter can be measured in a very small amount of sample material. This enables both the monitoring of critical laboratory values in sequential samples during studies and the complete blood analysis in endpoint experiments.

For additional information about the specific amounts of sample material, please see the Sample Volumes section below and ask the facility staff.

Please read our guidelines of Sample Preparation in the section below and get in touch with us for further questions without hesitation!


Parameters of Clinical Chemistry

Several clinical parameters can be measured at our lab by using the AU480 clinical chemistry analyzer (Beckman Coulter). The wet-chemistry-based colorimetric and enzymatic methods of the AU480 allow a rapid and precise assessment of parameters such as enzymes (e.g. creatine kinase, lipase, alkaline phosphatase...) or biochemical substrates (e.g. glucose, cholesterol, albumin...).

Vital electrolytes (i.e. Na, K and Cl) can be determined by using the Ion-Selective-Electrode technology (ISE).

Serum/Plasma Parameters

Abbr.ParameterUnitMeasuring Range
ALBAlbuming/l15 - 60
ALPAlkaline PhosphataseU/l5 - 1500
ALTAlanine AminotransferaseU/l3 - 500
AMMAmmoniaµg/dl17 - 1020
AMYLAmylaseU/l10 - 1500
ASTAspartate AminotransferaseU/l3 - 1000
CACalciummg/dl4 - 20
CHOLCholesterol, totalmg/dl25 - 700
CKCreatine Kinase, totalU/l 
CK-MBCreatine Kinase, isoenzyme M/BU/l10 - 2000
CLChloridemmol/l50 - 200
CRECreatininemg/dl0.05 - 50
CRPC-Reactive Proteinmg/l0.08 - 80
CYSCCystatin Cmg/l0.4 - 8
DBILBilirubine, directmg/dl0 - 10
FEIronµg/dl10 - 1000
FERRFerritinµg/l8 - 450
GGTGamma Glutamyl TransferaseU/l3 - 1200
GLUGlucosemg/dl10 - 800
HDLHigh Density Lipoproteinmg/dl2.5 - 200
KPotassiummmol/l1 - 10
LACLactatemg/dl2 - 120
LDHLactate DehydrogenaseU/l25 - 1200
LDLLow Density Lipoproteinmg/dl7 - 400
LIPLipaseU/l3 - 600
MGMagnesiummg/dl2 - 8
NASodiummmol/l50 - 200
PHOSPhosphorous, inorganicmg/dl1 - 20
TBILBilirubine, totalmg/dl0 - 30
TPProtein, totalg/l30 - 120
TRFTransferrin (TIBC)mg/dl75 - 750
TRIGTriglyceridesmg/dl10 - 1000
UAUric Acidmg/dl0,5 - 18,0
UIBCUnsaturated Iron Binding Capacityµg/dl55 - 550
UREAUreamg/dl5 - 300


Urine Parameters

Abbr.ParameterUnitMeasuring Range
AMYLAmylaseU/l10 - 4800
CACalciummg/dl0.1 - 40
CLChloridemmol/l15 - 400
CRECreatininemg/dl1 - 500
GLUGlucosemg/dl1 - 800
KPotassiummmol/l2 - 200
MGMagnesiummg/dl5 - 22
NASodiummmol/l10 - 400
PHOSPhosphorous, inorganicmg/dl0 - 350
UAUric Acidmg/dl2 - 400
UALBUrinary Albuminmg/dl0.7 - 45
UPUrinary Proteinmg/dl0 - 200
UREAUreamg/dl60 - 4500


Please note that the instrument is calibrated according to the specific measurement ranges. Due to technical reasons, assessed values are only reliable if they fit in these ranges. In case you expect values that clearly differ from those, please tell us before submitting your samples. We will then able to prepare adequate dilutions of your samples.

Sample Preparation

General considerations prior to blood sampling...

Blood Sampling

In order to achieve the best and most reliable data from any measurement in fields of clinical chemistry it is absolutely necessary to follow some instructions.

First of all, please note that sample material such as blood is a fragile substance! 

We strictly recommend to use the least invasive and traumatic method of sampling possible depending on your experimental design. For example, due to blood-sampling in final experiments you might give consideration to the exsanguination by apical punctuation of the heart instead of decapitation to prevent blunt traumata and contamination of dripping blood.

The right choice of your sample container is also very important. Most of the biochemic parameters are measured in blood-serum. To achieve the most complete and efficient clotting of the sample, it is recommended to use tubes coated with a clot activator. A gel phase in the tube can make the subsequent separation of the serum sample particularly easy and effective.

However, some parameters are also preferably measured in plasma. Therefore, you might avoid any coagulation by using anticoagulant coated sample-tubes. For the vast majority of measurements in plasma samples, lithium heparin is the most suitable anticoagulant.
However, this is not always the case. Glucose and lactate, for example, are determined as standard in sodium fluoride plasma.

You really should never use EDTA plasma for clinical chemistry! EDTA blood is only suitable for haematological examinations.

Each kind of tube is available for different amounts of blood (100 µl, 200 µl… 500 µl). It is important to choose the right size of the pre-treated tubes for your targeted sample volume!

Please contact us for further assistance!

Sample Volumes

Measurements in clinical chemistry are exclusively conducted with samples of plasma, serum or urine. Subsequently mentioned sample volumes refer to these sample types.

In order to greatly increase the sample throughput and to shorten the time until the results are output, we use a partially automated measurement procedure. For this reason, an initial start volume of 25µl plus the measuring volume of the respective parameters per sample is required.

This starting volume is only required once for a continuous measurement in one sample, regardless of how many parameters are to be determined!

For example:

1. Parameter X requires 5µl for measurement. The total volume required for this measurement is then:

  • initial start volume + measurement volume X, i.e. 25µl + 5µl = 30µl.

2. Parameters X, Y and Z require 5µl, 12µl and 2µl for measurement, respectively. The total volume required for this measurement is then:

  • initial start volume + measurement volume (X + Y + Z), i.e. 25µl + (5 + 12 + 2)µl = 44µl.

3. For measurement of electrolytes, i.e. sodium, potassium and chloride, an ISE volume of 20µl is necessary.

  • initial start volume + ISE volume, i.e. 25µl + 20µl = 55µl.

4. Electrolytes and Parameters X, Y, and Z can be measured in:

  • initial start volume + ISE volume + measurement volume (X + Y + Z), i.e. 25µl + 20µl + (5 + 12 + 2)µl = 64µl.

Please note that these are the minimum volumes for a simple determination of the values. A repeat measurement, e.g. because of a necessary dilution, is not possible with this. Therefore, we strongly recommend to deliver more sample volume or to have a test measurement performed on a few samples in advance to determine the value ranges.