group of people



Once at the Max Delbrück Center, forever ambassadors! Our alumni community is a highly valued part of our institution's legacy, and we look forward to our mutual support.
© Duygu Atceken

We invite you to embrace your role as an alumni and discover a world of opportunities that come with being a part of our alumni community.

  • Alumni Network: Connect with former colleagues, other alumni or forge new connections. Our networking platform MDC Connect offers you to collaborate, share, and engage.
  • Professional Growth: Get access to workshops and trainings to boost your career.
  • Giving Back: You have the unique opportunity to give back. Giving back goes beyond monetary donations. Mentoring is equally essential in supporting the development and growth of our employees.
  • Alumni Events and Reunions: Visit our alumni events and relive cherished memories. Create new ones by participating in our exciting events with current employees.

Once you start your journey at our institution, you can enjoy our excellent research, diversity, trainings, and events. As an alumni, you can keep these benefits by being a part of our community.

A strong foundation for a boundless future is the power of being an alumnus.

A few insights into our alumni event in summer 2023:


You are a valuable member of our Max Delbrück Center Alumni community and we offer you free access to our exclusive networking platform MDC Connect - Networking with alumni and staff.

Join to connect and engage with our alumni, current employees and project partners from all over the world.

"MDC Connect - networking for alumni and staff" is a space where you can network, engage and collaborate with the global community of current and former MDC staff:

  • Network with like-minded thinkers, practitioners and professionals
  • Engage with current and past MDC staff to discover and support their work
  • Collaborate on initiatives to build cross-cultural understanding

Become a member now!

MDC Connect - networking with alumni and staff was presented for the first time at our alumni event in summer 2023:

Get involved

Your journey with us did not end by leaving the Max Delbrück Center. As one of our alumni , we invite you to continue your involvement and make a lasting impact on our institution. There are numerous ways you can get involved. You can benefit from a wide range of offers through your participation
Organise a Reunion
Let us know and we will try to support you as best we can!

You want to organise a reunion with old colleagues?

How it works:

Use MDC Connect for organisation. The whole MDC community is on MDC Connect. You can find former and current employees on the platform and organise a reunion by starting a group, making a post on the feed or by directly contacting each person. 

Participation in alumni events and others
We invite you to participate in our events to strengthen our alumni community!

Events organized by us are distributed via MDC Connect

We invite you to actively participate in our exciting lineup of alumni events and various engagement opportunities that will enrich your life and strengthen our alumni community.

How it works:

Upcoming alumni events are published on the MDC Connect Feed. All information will be available there.

Find a Mentor or be one!

Mentorship is a partnership between experienced mentors and enthusiastic mentees which supports personal and professional growth. Whether you are an aspiring mentee seeking guidance or an experienced professional mentor eager to share your wisdom, our mentorship program offers a space for growth. Our mentorship on MDC Connect fostering a supportive community of learning, inspiration, and empowerment.

Mentorship on 


How it works:

On MDC Connect you have the opportunity to "Find a Mentor or be one!" .

If you are interested in becoming a mentor you can apply on the platform by clicking on "Apply to be a Mentor". You have to state your skills, professional experience and the fields you worked in. In addition you can choose which kind of mentoring you are offering and in which extensive.

If you are interested in finding a mentor you can "submit your request" to a mentor of your choice. You can choose between the mentoring options specified by the mentor. You will receive a notification when your mentor has accepted your request. You then have the option of exchanging ideas and arranging a meeting via the chat function.

Present your career pathway
We are interested in your career. Report about it!

We are interested in your career. Report about it and give a presentation about your career pathway. Interested to join? 

How it works:

Send a message to our Career Center and tell us why you would like to give a speech. We schedule a meeting with everyone who want to participate.

Support us and give back to student support initiative
Become a member of the Society of Friends!

Become a member of the Society of Friends and help support our work.


How it works:

Just fill out the Membership Form and donate now.

Thank you for your valuable support!

Find a group and exchange ideas
Exchange ideas and take part in discussions in groups that interest you!

Start your own group on a topic of your choice via MDC Connect

Are you passionate about a specific topic or cause? 

How it works:

You can start a group on MDC Connect by sending our admins a headline for your group, a text about the group and content you would like to post there. Starting an alumni group on our platform is your opportunity to create a vibrant community, who share a common passion.

Participation in sports activities
We benefit from your support at upcoming sport event!

If you're interested, we'll keep you posted on MDC Connect

How it works:

If there are upcoming sport events, we will publish the infos about it on the MDC Connect Feed.


Research Highlights

Alumni Worldwide

Our Alumni are working at the most prestigious institutions all over the world. At Max Delbrück Center and worldwide, their active involvement, wealth of experience, and specialized knowledge drive the progress of life sciences.

Read about a selection of our international and diverse alumni.

Lifelong learning

Learning continues throughout life, shaping our growth and expanding our horizons. As an MDC alumni, we are excited to offer you exclusive learning opportunities. If you are interested, please contact our Career Center for more information and to get access to our internal platform: MDC AcdemyMaker.

Impressions of the last events

Summer 2023

In the summer of 2023 we invited our alumni to our ALUMNI @ SUMMER MEETING. We presented MDC Connect and the possibilities of the alumni network, as well as reviewed the time at the Max Delbrück Center.



Become a member of our Society of Friends and support Max Delbrück Center research. Every contribution holds the power to make a significant impact on our mission and help expand scientific relationships between the MDC and its partners in Germany and abroad.

As alumni, you embody the spirit and values of our institution. Your achievements and successes inspire and influence current students, employees and future generations. Your support plays an important role in advancing our research. Your giving creates an impact of positive change that goes far beyond our research results. Together, we can support scientific seminar series, PhD prizes, the best scientific image contest during the Long Night of Sciences, and promote various sports activities, art and cultural events on the Campus Berlin-Buch, such as “Cinema under the Campus Sky” series, music concerts and much more.

Thank you for your generosity and support. By giving back, you can empower the MDC. 

Max Delbrück Center Alumni
Dr. Jean-Yves Tano
Phone: +49 30 9406-3353
Max-Delbrück-Centrum für Molekulare Medizin (MDC)
Robert-Rössle-Straße 10
13125 Berlin, Deutschland
Building 84, Room 1013


Your alumni community is always close. Network. Share. Engage — online or in-person — anytime, anywhere. Join now!