
BiotechPark Berlin-Buch

The Max Delbrück Center supports the transfer of know-how from the laboratory bench and the clinic to the production line.

Several biotech enterprises with hundreds of employees are situated on the Berlin-Buch Campus. The expertise and services they offer range from the development of bio-diagnostics and vectors for gene therapy to peptide synthesis, protein analysis, cell- and tissue grafts, bioinformatics, and genetics.

In 1995, the Max Delbrück Center founded a company, the "BBB Management GmbH Campus Berlin-Buch", renamed "Campus Berlin-Buch GmbH" in 2018. Its task is to develop and run a biotechnology park in Berlin-Buch and, to this end, it has built a biotechnology and business development center to house start-up companies.

Funding for this center comes from the Mutual Mission for the Improvement of Regional Economics (GA, Gemeinschaftsaufgabe zur Verbesserung der regionalen Wirtschaftsstruktur) and from the European Fund for Regional Development (EFRE, Europäischer Fonds für Regionalentwicklung).

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