Berlin Science Week at the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin

Berlin Science Week

Our program at the science festival 1 - 10 November, 2024


From November 1 to 10, 2024, researchers and science enthusiasts will once again gather in Berlin to discuss current developments and challenges in science, business and society - with each other and with the public. The Max Delbrück Center will once again be contributing exciting events this year, online and on site. Join us!

SPARK: Creative processes in the arts and sciences | Opening of the photo exhibition “Discoverers”

Date: Friday, November 1, 2024
Time: 6 - 8 pm
Location: MDC-BIMSB, Hannoversche Straße 28, Large Conference Room 0.61, 10115 Berlin
Language: English
Contributors: SooJin Anjou, David Friedman, Pablo Castagnola, Nikolaus Rajewsky, Michela Di Virgilio

Discoverers flyer

Registration required

Event Link


Discoverers – Photo exhibition

Date: November 1 - 10, 2024
Vernissage: November, 1, 2024 at 6 pm
Opening hours: Mo - Fr
Time: 10 am - 4:30 pm
Location: MDC-BIMSB, Hannoversche Straße 28, 10115 Berlin

Discoverers flyer

Event Link


Science communication & safety of scientists: Towards Open and Critical Debate, without Hostility

Date: Saturday, November 2, 2024
Time: 1:30 - 2:30 pm
Location: CAMPUS | Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, Invalidenstr. 43, 10115 Berlin
Language: English
Contributors: Emanuel Wyler (Landthaler Lab)

Event Link

Campus Ticket


Diversithon- Wikipedia-Edit-a-thon

Date: Monday, November 4, 2024
Time: 3:30 - 7:30 pm
Location: Rahel Hirsch Center for Translational Medicine, Luisenstr. 65, 10117 Berlin
Language: German
Contributors: Christiane Nolte (Max Delbrück Center)+ Karin Höhne (Berlin Institute of Health @ Charite)




Berlin Brains on Tour: Sex and Gender in Mental Health: Why Sex Matters

Date: Tuesday, November 5, 2024
Time: 8:00 - 9:30 pm
Location: Kinosaal Zeiss Großplanetarium, Prenzlauer Allee 80, 10405 Berlin
Language: English
Contributors: Berlin Brains, Vortragende: Hanna Hörnberg and Tobias Pohl from Max Delbrück Center

Registration required

Event Link 


Zusammen geht mehr: Ein neues Fundament für den Berliner Forschungsraum

Date: Tuesday, November 5, 2024
Time: 7:00 - 9:00 pm
Location: MDC-BIMSB, Hannoversche Str. 28, 10115 Berlin
Language: German
Contributor from the Max Delbrück Center: Jan-Philipp Junker
Organization: Berlin Research 50 (BR50), Max Delbrück Center, Senatsverwaltung für Wissenschaft, Gesundheit und Pflege 

Event Link 


Unterhausdebatte: Zukunft ohne Tierversuche? Wunsch und Wirklichkeit

Date: Tuesday, November 5, 2024
Time: 6:30 - 8 pm
Location: Hörsaalruine Charité Campus Mitte, Charitéplatz 1, 10117 Berlin
Language: German
Contributors: Einstein Stiftung, Einstein 3R, Charité 3R, with Holger Gerhardt (Max Delbrück Center)

Event Link


Vortrag Neue Wege in der Biomedizin: Die Zukunft der Hirnkrebstherapie

Date: Tuesday, November 5, 2024
Time4 - 6 pm
Location: Kinosaal Zeiss Großplanetarium, Prenzlauer Allee 80, 10405 Berlin
Language: German
Contributors: Helga Fenz, Speaker: Matthias Schmitt (Gargiulio Lab)

Event Link


Lehrkräfte-Fortbildung Rätselhafte Gehirne – Ursachen von Demenz bei Jung und Alt

Date: Wednesday, November 6, 2024
Time: 1:30 - 5 pm
Location: Berlin Bio Cube (D95), Robert-Rössle-Str. 10, 13125 Berlin
Language: German
Contributors: Helga Fenz, Neurowissenschaftliche Gesellschaft, Speakers: Thomas Willnow (Max Delbrück Center), Frank Stehr (NCL-Stiftung), Birgit Faßbender (NCL-Stiftung) Ulrike Mittmann (Gläsernes Labor)

Event Link


Filmvorführung „Als wären sie nicht von dieser Welt – Der unmögliche Lebenswandel der Schleimpilze”

Date: Thursday, November 7, 2024
Time: 6 - 8 pm
Location: Max Delbrück Center, Robert-Rössle-Straße 10, MDC.C, Axon 1, 13125 Berlin
Language: German
Contributors: Dana Lafuente, Freundeskreis, Barnim Panorama

Event Link


Unlocking the Future: AI Revolution in Biomedical Imaging

Date: Thursay, November 7, 2024
Time: 6 - 7:30 pm
Location: MDC-BIMSB, Hannoversche Straße 28, Large Conference Room 0.61, 10115 Berlin
Language: English
Contributors: Chris Karg, Kainmüller Lab

Event Link


Berlin PostDoc Day

Date: November 7 - 8, 2024
Time9 am - 8 am and 9 am - 2 pm
Location: Humboldt Graduate School, Luisenstr. 56, 10117 - Berlin
Language: English
Contributors: Postdoc Office 

Event Link Day 1

Event Link Day 2 


The Potential of Foundation Models

Date: Friday, November 8, 2024
Time6 pm - 10:30 pm
Location: Falling Walls Science House, Karl-Marx-Allee 34, 10179 Berlin
Language: English
Contributors: Dagmar Kainmüller


Event Link


Engineering Biology | by invitation only

Date: Saturday, November 9, 2024
Time: 11:30 am - 1 pm
Location: Falling Walls Science House, Karl-Marx-Allee 34, 10179 Berlin
Language: English


Event Link


Biomedical Innovation Ecosystems: Recipes for Success

Date: Saturday, November 9, 2024
Time: 4 - 4:50 pm
Location: Falling Walls Science House, Karl-Marx-Allee 34, 10179 Berlin
Language: English
Contributors: Maike Sander



Event Link


Biomedical Innovation Ecosystems: Recipes for Success | Science Summit 2024

BR50 Panel Discussion: Diversity Instead of Uniformity

© Berlin Research 50 (BR50)

Diversity Instead of Uniformity - How Does Diversity Advance Scientific Progress? | Public Discussion at the Berlin Science Week Campus @ Museum für Naturkunde Berlin | 5 November 2021

         Diversity management, gender equality and internationalization have become guiding principles for almost all scientific institutions, especially in Berlin. At the beginning of the year, DFG President Katja Becker stressed that diversity and excellence are inseparable concepts for her. However, it remains true that the further up the career ladder you go, the more uniform the people who reach these positions tend to be. At the same time, many scientists have problems establishing themselves in Germany and face problems with the language, bureaucracy and other personal challenges. Unfortunately, it is also evident that people in the scientific environment are not spared from experiences of discrimination and prejudice.

BLUMEN! – Die Wissenschaftsshow 

Nun sprechen die Blumen... Drei Berliner Institute hatten eine Woche Zeit, ungewöhnliche Clips zu produzieren, um für ihre Wissenschaft zu begeistern. Brilliante Wissenschaftler*innen des Max-Delbrück-Zentrums für Molekulare Medizn (, des Instituts für Kristallzüchtung ( und des Instituts für Gewässerökologie und Binnenfischerei ( zeigen, wieso ihr Forschungsgebiet das aufregendste der Welt ist. Sie mussten nicht nur unseren Host Friedrich #Liechtenstein überzeugen: Das Online- und das Live-Publikum bewerteten die Clips. Das Gewinner-Video vom #mdcBerlin wird einen Monat lang auf der #Science-Fassade des Paul-Drude-Instituts laufen. Hier seht ihr es schon vorab!

Deep Dive – Being a Postdoc at the MDC Berlin

Who is considered a postdoc? What does it mean to become and be a postdoc? Why do postdocs pursue careers in natural sciences? What does the daily life of a postdoc entail? In this #BerlinScienceWeek 2021 "Deep Dive", #mdcBerlin science manager Anne Merks and #FMP postdoctoral research fellow Jeremy Morgan explain their work, motivations, career opportunities and more. Jump right in!

Einblicke in das neue Einstein-Zentrum 3R 

Forschung an Mini-Organen, menschlichem Gewebe oder Multi-Organ-Chips – moderne Technologien versprechen eine Zukunft ohne #Tierversuche. Was ist der aktuelle Stand der #Forschung? Wie funktionieren diese Methoden und wo liegen ihre Grenzen?

Eine moderierte Podiumsdiskussion mit kurzen Filmbeiträgen aus den Laboren widmet sich diesen und weiteren Fragen. Erfahren Sie, wie Berlins #Wissenschaft daran arbeitet, die Forschung im Sinne von #3R – Replace, Reduce, Refine von Tierversuchen – zu verändern und zu verbessern. Auf dem Podium erklären Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern des neuen Einstein-Zentrum 3R ihre Forschung. Ziel des Zentrums ist es, zur Entwicklung neuer Therapien für menschliche Erkrankungen beizutragen, indem die Übertragbarkeit von Laborerkenntnissen auf den #Patienten verbessert und gleichzeitig der #Tierschutz gestärkt wird.

Cardiovascular Health in the Time of COVID19

#COVID19, caused by a severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (#SARSCoV2), has become a global #pandemic that has affected the lives of the entire human population. The panel, composed of Berlin-based experts in basic, translational and clinical science focused on cardiovascular disease and immunology, discusses three key aspects:

How are pre-existing #cardiovascular conditions associated with worse outcomes and increased risk of death in patients with COVID-19? How can COVID-19 itself induce cardiovascular disease, such as venous thromboembolism, high blood pressure, acute coronary syndrome, myocardial injury, and arrhythmia? And how can we minimize all these risks by #vaccination?

WHS WS 01 - Thinking Ahead: Prototype Vaccines 

© World Health Summit

Vaccines are the major cornerstone to control pandemics. This has been demonstrated in the past for instance by the eradication of poxvirus or the global control of poliomyelitis. Given the long history of vaccines, established pipelines for their development and production have been developed. The still ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has enriched this pipeline and although SARS-CoV-2 vaccines have been developed and approved within less than a year, this major achievement built on decades of basic research. Equally important was the massive financial support, accelerated administrative procedures and rapid increase in production capacity. Yet, important challenges remain such as the global distribution of vaccines and insufficient vaccination rates in countries where these vaccines are available.







© Antje Dombrowsky / Berlin Partner