Structural biology and bioinformatics in drug design: opportunities and challenges for target identification and lead discovery


  • T.L. Blundell
  • B.L. Sibanda
  • R.W. Montalvão
  • S. Brewerton
  • V. Chelliah
  • C.L. Worth
  • N.J. Harmer
  • O. Davies
  • D. Burke


  • Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series B Biological Sciences


  • Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci 361 (1467): 413-423


  • Impressive progress in genome sequencing, protein expression and high-throughput crystallography and NMR has radically transformed the opportunities to use protein three-dimensional structures to accelerate drug discovery, but the quantity and complexity of the data have ensured a central place for informatics. Structural biology and bioinformatics have assisted in lead optimization and target identification where they have well established roles; they can now contribute to lead discovery, exploiting high-throughput methods of structure determination that provide powerful approaches to screening of fragment binding.

