Wissenstadt 2021

Helmholtz – a giant of science - Panel discussion

An event organized by the Helmholtz Association of German Research Centers e.V. with the publishing house wbg Theiss.

Hermann von Helmholtz is considered a pioneer of science in the 19th century. His research and interests led to groundbreaking discoveries in fields as diverse as medicine, meteorology and physics. In light of his 200th anniversary, the major biography of this exceptional scientist is now being published in German for the first time.

Hermann von Helmholtz was not only a great man during his lifetime, however; his achievements are also of great benefit to us today. The philosopher of science Prof. Dr. Gregor Schiemann and the physician Prof. Dr. Simone Spuler explore the scope of Helmholtz' achievements and the influence they still have today.

German only | Ticket required


Platz vor dem Roten Rathaus
Zentrum der "Wissensstadt Berlin 2021"
10178 Berlin

