Wissenstadt 2021

Until 22.08.: Open air exhibition on health, climate and living together

From artificial intelligence and climate protection to smart or stressful living in tomorrow's cities, Corona and the genetic scissors: the MDC participates in an open air exhibition which highlights Berlin's ideas on protecting our climate and our health as well as solving issues of living together - three closely interwoven yet independent topics that are represented as urban districts.

In the district health, the MDC presents new single-cell technologies and their potential to change the way diseases are diagnosed and treated. Visitors will find answers to questions such as: When is a cell ill? How can cells be cured? Are cells related to each other? How do algorithms detect diseases? And can organs be grown in the laboratory?


Platz vor dem Roten Rathaus
Zentrum der "Wissensstadt Berlin 2021
10178 Berlin

