
Brochures and flyers

Our publications

Learn more about the Max Delbrück Center and its research. You can obtain the publications on request - or directly here as a download. 

About us

Brochure: Strategy 2030
Language: English
As of: June 2024

Flyer about the Max Delbrück Center (bilingual)
As of: August 2022

Brochure: "Technology Platforms"

Language: English

As of: May 2023

Flyer about the MDC and the location in Berlin Mitte (bilingual)

As of: March 2019

Brochure on 25 years of MDC (bilingual)

Status: May 2018

Research at the MDC

Single Cell: Approaches for Personalized Medicine

Book: "The Case of the Short-fingered Musketeer" by Russ Hodge

The story of a 20-year biomedical adventure carried out by Fred Luft's laboratory at the MDC

Language: English

Published: January 2013

Publikation "Bild der Wissenschaft plus - Gesundheit 2030 Die molekulare Herausforderung"

Eine Sonderausgabe von Bild der Wissenschaft in Zusammenarbeit mit dem MDC und dem FMP mit Portraits zahlreicher Forschungsgruppen und Projekte.

Sprache: Deutsch

Stand: Januar 2013

Buch: "Translations - from today's science to tomorrow's medicine" by Russ Hodge

Wissenschaftsgeschichten des MDC

Sprache: Englisch

Erschienen: Mai 2008

Education, Training and Career

Flyer "Focus on Postdoctoral Researchers"
Language: English
As of: July 2019

Flyer "Starting an Independent Career"
Language: English
As of: July 2019

Leporello "Guideline for leadership at the MDC"

Language: English

Broschure: "MDC International PhD Program"

Language: English

As of: 2016

Flyer: "German-Israeli Research School SignGene"

Language: English

As of: 2018


Flyer: 9th MDC Mentoring Program for Postdocs

Language: English

As of: 2018

Der Flyer von Labor Trifft Lehrer Schuljahr 2018/19

Newspapers accompanying the Long Night of the Sciences

Zeitung: Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften 2018

Sprache: Deutsch

Zeitung: Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften 2017

Sprache: Deutsch

Zeitung: Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften 2016

Sprache: Deutsch


Green Campus Berlin Buch - Our concept for sustainable development of the Buch Campus
Language: German
As of: Juni 2011