
Stable chromosomal units determine the spatial and temporal organization of DNA replication


  • N. Sadoni
  • M.C. Cardoso
  • E.H. Stelzer
  • H. Leonhardt
  • D. Zink


  • Journal of Cell Science


  • J Cell Sci 117 (22): 5353-5365


  • DNA replication occurs in mammalian cells at so-called replication foci occupying defined nuclear sites at specific times during S phase. It is an unresolved problem how this specific spatiotemporal organization of replication foci is determined. Another unresolved question remains as to what extent DNA is redistributed during S phase. To investigate these problems, we visualized the replicating DNA and the replication machinery simultaneously in living HeLa cells. Time-lapse analyses revealed that DNA was not redistributed to other nuclear sites during S phase. Furthermore, the results showed that DNA is organized into stable aggregates equivalent to replication foci. These aggregates, which we call sub-chromosomal foci, stably maintained their replication timing from S phase to S phase. During S-phase progression, the replication machinery sequentially proceeded through spatially adjacent sets of sub-chromosomal foci. These findings imply that the specific nuclear substructure of chromosomes and the order of their stable subunits determine the spatiotemporal organization of DNA replication.

