Partner Events

2nd Young Group Leaders Symposium

After the first meeting two years ago, the 2nd Young Group Leaders Symposium will take place at the MDC.C on March 18 and 19, 2024.

In addition to talks by international speakers, participants will have the opportunity to present their projects during a poster session and meet the invited speakers in a Scientific Speed Dating. This is a great opportunity for students and postdocs to network, pitch talk their endeavours and brainstorm ideas!

If you do not want to miss this exciting event and possibly win a poster prize, please register via with a poster abstract. The symposium is free of charge, so please feel free to spread the word! 

Places are limited, so first come, first served.


Campus Berlin-Buch
Robert-Rössle-Straße 10
Axon 1
13125 Berlin


Campus Plan



Host: Johannes Broichhagen