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Igor Stagljar: Integrating Artificial Intelligence and Traditional Screens for Targeting “Undruggable" Cancer Targets

The activities of the Stagljar lab span proteomics, chemical biology, membrane transport and cancer signaling. Igor and team developed groundbreaking technologies, including Membrane Yeast Two-Hybrid (MYTH), Mammalian Membrane Two-Hybrid (MaMTH) and Split-Intein Mediated Protein Ligation (SIMPL), innovations that enabled and advanced membrane proteomic research. His lab's recent adaptations, MaMTH-DS for drug screening and SIMPL technology for protein-protein interaction targets, expand the possibilities for addressing “difficult” targets in therapeutic discovery. Igor is also a biotech entrepreneur and was recognized as one of the top inventors in Canada. 

If you are interested in talking to Igor one-on-one, please contact Prof. Dr. Erich Wanker.

You can attend this talk in person or via zoom: 

Meeting ID: 949 5416 3059

Passcode: 944103


Robert-Rössle-Straße 10
Axon 2 and online via Zoom
13125 Berlin




Prof. Dr. Erich Wanker