Lena Claesson-Welsh - Vascular impact on tissue function
Lena Claesson-Welsh is Professor in Medical Biochemistry at Uppsala University. Her laboratory focuses on the role of the blood vasculature in health and in diseases. An important goal is to understand how the exchange between the blood and the tissues, denoted vascular permeability, is regulated in an organ-specific manner.
The Berlin Center for Translational Vascular Biomedicine, jointly founded by the Berlin Institute of Health (BIH), Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin and the Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine (MDC) in the Helmholtz Association, represents an interdisciplinary scientific network with the pronounced aim to foster translation in the field of vascular biomedicine. It unites leading scientific knowledge with clinical expertise and thereby promotes the transfer of scientific insights to clinical use.
Pursuing its mission, the Center initiated the Lecture Series “Vascular Networking” to invite distinguished experts and promote international scientific exchange to both enrich the Berlin scientific community and provide the foundation for new and visionary collaborations.
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Lecuture Hall Axon 2 and online via Zoom
13125 Berlin