Partner Events

60. Helmholtz Open Science Online-Seminar: Ulrich Dirnagl -The Panacea for Trustworthy and Useful Science?”

Dear all,

we would like to invite you to our 60th Helmholtz Open Science Online Seminar on Tuesday, September 21, 2021 from 3:00 p. m. to 4:00 p. m

In this seminar, Prof. Dr. med. Ulrich Dirnagl will present on the topic of “Preregistration: The Panacea for Trustworthy and Useful Science?”.

At the Charité Berlin, Ulrich Dirnagl is Professor of Clinical Neuroscience and serves as Director of the Department of Experimental Neurology. Since 2017 he is also the founding director of the QUEST Center for Responsible Biomedical Research at the Berlin Institute of Health.

For the detailed program please visit our website:

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Virtual Meeting

