Evidence for downregulation of the endothelin-B-receptor by the use of fluorescent endothelin-1 and a fusion protein consisting of the endothelin-B-receptor and the green fluorescent protein


  • A. Oksche
  • G. Boese
  • A. Horstmeyer
  • G. Papsdorf
  • J. Furkert
  • M. Beyermann
  • M. Bienert
  • W. Rosenthal


  • Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology


  • J Cardiovasc Pharmacol 36 (5 Suppl 1): S44-S47


  • We generated fusion proteins consisting of the endothelin-B (ET(B))-receptor and the enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) to visualize receptor internalization. In Madin Darby canine kidney (MDCK) clones expressing ET(B)/EGFP fusion proteins, single class high affinity binding sites for [125I]endothelin-1 (ET-1) were found (for two different clones apparent K(D) values were 31 +/- 15 pM and 30 +/- 7 pM). Pretreatment of membranes with GTPgammaS prior to saturation analysis did not alter these values. We also labelled ET-1 with cyanine-dyes (Cy3/ET-1, Cy5/ET-1). In displacement analyses with membranes of MDCK ET(B)/EGFP clones using [125I]ET-1, we found reduced affinity for Cy3/ET-1 and Cy5/ET-1 (about 5- to 10-fold, respectively), but normal efficacy when compared to unlabelled ET-1. Both fluorescent ligands and the ET(B)/EGFP fusion protein were suitable for analysis of receptor trafficking in living cells and cells fixed at different timepoints. Laser scanning microscopy of MDCK ET(B)/EGFP clones incubated with Cy3/ET-1 or Cy5/ET-1 revealed rapid internalization of ligand/receptor complexes, which clustered in large, perinuclear structures (most probably late endosomes). Our data argue against recycling of the ET(B) receptor and favour its targeting to the lysosomal pathway.