Partner Events

1st yEFIS Symposium - Shaping the Future of Immunology in Europe

Registration and abstract submission is now open for the yEFIS 1st Symposium that will be held on November 10-11, 2022 at MDC-Buch (Berlin). Under the title “Shaping the Future of Immunology in Europe”, the yEFIS symposium aims to act as a platform for exchange for research ideas, career advice and overall perspectives.This first edition is bringing together young researchers:

  • For oral presentations, flash talks and poster presentations. You can submit your abstract until August 22nd and apply for an EFIS/EJI travel award to assist with travel expenses.
  • With 4 confirmed keynote speakers: Prof. Kingston Mills (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland), Prof. Petra Bacher (Kiel University, Germany), Dr. Christian Schwartz (University Hospital Erlangen, Germany) and Prof. Carolyn King (University of Basel, Switzerland)
  • 5 interactive workshops:
  • Diverging Career Paths and Diversity of Success with panelists spanning academia, industry and many more.
  • Peer review with the European Journal of Immunology to cover insights in scientific publishing and the peer-review process.
  • Crafting Your Professional Narrative, with Dr Inês P. Perpétuo (career consultant at Imperial College London)
  • Communicating Your Science to the World, with Dr Elodie Chabrol (international director for Pint of Science and freelance science communicator)
  • Mental Health and Well Being, to equip you with a broad awareness and practical information for a better research environment.

Hurry up and register for this first symposium; limited places available!
For additional information, please visit or contact us at


Robert-Rössle-Straße 10
13125 Berlin


Campus Plan


Young Immunologist Network of the European Federation of Immunological Societies