50th Round of Berlin „Jugend forscht“ competition begins at the MDC
“50 years, that may sound old for young people but curiosity keeps this competition young. And curiosity keeps us young in science.” With these words, Walter Rosenthal, the MDC’s scientific director greeted the 200 guests for the launch of the 50th round of the “Jugend forscht” competition (Jugend forscht translates into ‘yong people do research’).
This anniversary launch event took place at the MDC, and many representatives of schools, educational organizations and from the Jugend forscht team were present.
Some of the MDC’s scientists had been former Jugend forscht participants, for instance Julia Haseleu. When still in school she did a project on the behaviour of rats for Jugend forscht. Today, her work concentrates on how pain originates. In an side project she, together with her labmate Damir Omerbasic, investigated why our fingers get wrinkly when they get wet. The outcome of their project enthused the audience.
Berlin’s coordinator of the competition, Ralph Ballier from the Lise Meitner school, was very happy with the event: “It was a wonderful start to the new competion.”