The Second Parliamentary Evening of the MDC

On Tuesday, May 20, the MDC has invited politicians and other guests to join its second Parliamentary Evening at the Leibniz Hall of the BBAW (Berlin Brandenburg Academy of Sciences). In summerly weather about 75 guests from the German Parliament, the Berlin “Abgeordnetenhaus”, from Berlin scientific and economic institutions - and of course from the MDC itself followed the invitation.

The topics that were discussed in the evening were the Berlin Institute of Health, animal research, modern cancer research, and the National Cohort. Informing about these issues were the panelists Prof. Walter Rosenthal, Prof. Ulrike Stein, Prof. Helmut Kettenmann and Prof. Tobias Pischon. The moderators were Nuria Cerdá-Esteban and Josef Zens.

Photograph: David Ausserhofer/Copyright: MDC