
Berlin PostDoc Day

November 7th and 8th, 2024 – Humboldt Graduate School, Berlin


Stay tuned for the next Berlin Postdoc Day 2025

A big thanks to everyone for making this year's Postdoc Day a big success!

Stay tuned with us for next year via email, LinkedIn and on X. Follow us for more information on the organizers and experiences of participants from last year. We are excited for the next PDD, are you as well? Share your thoughts with us on our socials and share the excitement!

A peek into last year´s event:

The Berlin PostDoc Day 2024 (#PDD24) is an annual event organized by a team of Berlin-based PostDocs with heterogenous affiliations (MDC, FMP, FHI, Charité, and BAM). This year, the event will be held on November 7th and 8th as part of the Berlin Science Week and it is open to all PostDocs and last-year PhD students working on all disciplines in the Berlin area. It will be held in person.

Share your research & explore what's next

Click here for the program

During the past years the PostDoc Day has reached a very broad audience, engaging PostDocs from various disciplines. Therefore, it is a huge occasion to network with peers and to share your work. Submit an abstract and take the chance to win the “Best Flash Talk” Award!

Besides having selected scientific talks from our applicants in the morning, this year’s program will focus on different career paths and workshops, to help you navigate the job market and make better informed decisions about your future. If you attend, you will have a great opportunity to connect with other Postdocs, learn about their work and, who knows, perhaps even find new friends or collaboration partners!

Let yourselves get inspired and network as much as possible! 


Max Delbrück CenterCatenion | Leibniz-Forschungsinstitut für Molekulare Pharmakologie (FMP) | Leica



The Berlin Postdoc Day 2024 will be held at the Humboldt Graduate School Luisenstraße 56, 10117 Berlin

A glimpse into the beautiful Humboldt Graduate School building





We are very much looking forward to welcoming you at the next PDD!


The Berlin PostDoc Day 2024 will be held at the Humboldt Graduate School Luisenstraße 56, 10117 Berlin

Preliminary Program

Day 1 (07.11.2024)

Time SlotProgrammeSpeaker
8:00 - 9:00Registration 
8:50 - 9:10Ice breakers & IntroductionPDD Organising Committee
9:10 - 9:20Welcome remarksProf. Dr. Peter Hegemann
9:20 - 9:25Postdoc Academy informationsBUA Postdoc Academy
9:25 - 10:10Postdoc talks - ISelected Postdocs
10:10 - 10:30Flash talks - ISelected Postdocs
10:30 - 10:50Morning Coffee break 
10:50 - 11:30Career Session I - AcademicProf. Dr. Sina Bartfeld and Dr. Ashley Sanders
11:30 - 12:00Postdoc talks - IISelected Postdocs
12:00 - 12:20Flash talk - IISelected Postdocs
12:20 - 13:00Lunch Break 
13:00 - 13:10Scientist RebellionDr. Nana-Maria Grüning
13:10 - 14:10Career session II - Non-academicScientific Coordinator, Consultant, Editor
14:10 - 14:40Coffee Break 
14:40 - 14:50Green Labs InitiativeDr. Kristine Oevel
14:50 - 15:50Career session III - Non-academicStart-up, Big Industry (Bayer and Leica)
16:00 - 18:00

Networking and career fair

(with refreshments)

Fair of several organisations & companies for networking and career start opportunities
18:00 - 18:15Closing remarksBest flash talk winner and final announcements
18:15 - 20:00Pizza and refreshments 

Day 2 (08.11.2024)

Time SlotProgramme
9:00 - 12:00
  • Grant Writing (Coach: Annette Kolb)*
  • Social Media – Science in a New Age (Coach: Elodie Chabrol)
  • Good Mentoring and Effective Feedback (Coach: Carmen Kurbjuhn)
  • Storytelling – Your Research as a Story (Coach: Katharina Rosin)
  • Difficult Conversations in the Workplace (Coach: Thomas Knappe)
  • Tech Transfer and Entrepreneurship: From Science to Business (Coaches: Bettina Otto & Alexander Stumpf)

*This workshop is a full-day workshop from 9:00 to 16:00

12:00 - 14:00Lunch and Networking


Workshops will be held on the 8th of November at the Humboldt Graduate School Luisenstraße 56, 10117 Berlin.

The following workshops will be offered as part of the Berlin PostDoc Day 2024:

Grant Writing (Coach: Annette Kolb)*

The Grant Writing workshop is designed to assist early career researchers in applying for research fellowships. This workshop explores what makes a research idea fundable and how to craft a reviewer-friendly proposal. Participants will learn strategies for presenting their research and themselves effectively, and gain tools and vocabulary for writing comprehensive research plans. This includes sections not typically encountered in paper writing, such as justifying costs, projecting future career aims, and self-promotion as the ideal candidate. By the end of the workshop, participants will be equipped to identify funding sources, understand the nuances of funding acquisition, produce effective fellowship proposals, and write with greater impact and precision.

*This workshop is a full-day workshop from 9:00 to 16:00

Social Media - Science in a New Age (Coach: Elodie Chabrol)

This workshop is designed to help participants effectively navigate various social media platforms to network and promote their research. Attendees will learn strategies for building an online presence, engaging with the scientific community, and reaching broader audiences. The workshop will cover best practices for different platforms, content creation tips, and methods to stay updated with the latest scientific developments. By the end of the workshop, participants will be equipped with the skills to leverage social media for professional networking, disseminating their research, and keeping abreast of new advancements in their field. content.

Good Mentoring and Effective Feedback (Coach: Carmen Kurbjuhn)

The good mentoring and effective feedback workshop will cover essential topics to develop strong mentoring skills and provide impactful feedback. The workshop will begin by exploring the qualities of a good mentor, emphasizing the importance of being a role model, assisting with network building, and supporting academic and career development. Participants will reflect on how they wish to fulfill their mentor role personally. The workshop will also delve into the basics of successful conversations, focusing on fostering a conducive conversational attitude and mastering techniques such as active listening and effective questioning. Additionally, attendees will learn how to give constructive feedback that encourages growth and improvement.

Tech Transfer and Entrepreneurship (Coaches: Bettina Otto & Alexander Stumpf)

This workshop is designed to guide scientists through the process of transforming scientific findings into marketable ideas and ultimately launching a start-up. Participants will learn how to identify and evaluate the commercial potential of their research discoveries. The workshop will give a broad overview about the essential first steps in moving from a scientific idea to entrepreneurship, including understanding intellectual property, crafting a business plan, and exploring funding opportunities. Attendees will gain the knowledge necessary to navigate the early stages of tech transfer, setting a first foundation for a successful entrepreneurial endeavour based on their scientific innovations.ontent.

Difficult Conversations in the Workplace (Coach: Thomas Knappe)

The workshop on handling difficult conversations for postdocs will address the challenges faced in conflict situations, negotiations, and issue resolution. Participants will learn the importance of preparation to effectively assess the impact of their communication and anticipate the reactions of others. This preparation enables clear articulation of viewpoints and maintaining a solution-focused dialogue despite emotional stress. The workshop will begin with reflections on what makes conversations difficult from the participants' perspectives, followed by learning a method of systemic self-preparation using real-life examples. It will conclude with practical ideas for applying these skills in everyday situations, enhancing both proactive preparation and spontaneous response to difficult conversations.

Preparatory task: A short preparatory task will be sent to participants about 10 days before the event. This preparation is the basis for the work in the workshop.

Storytelling – Your Research as a Story (Coach: Katharina Rosin)

This workshop is designed for postdocs who aspire to make their research impactful and memorable, even to audiences outside the scientific community. Participants will you will get to know the key elements of the storytelling method and put them into practice to convey their own scientific ideas. The workshop will cover the basics of storytelling and various storytelling frameworks as well as how to create the protagonist of their research story. Participants will learn to define the intended impact of their story and master captivating storytelling techniques. The workshop includes practical exercises and peer feedback, helping participants refine their storytelling skills to effectively communicate their scientific ideas.


Contact us

Mailing list

To be added to our mailing list send an email to postdocdayberlin@gmail.com


Organizing Committee

Sravanthi Nadiminti (FMP Berlin): nadiminti@fmp-berlin.de 
Cristina Brischetto (TU Berlin): briscri88@gmail.com 
Elmir Mahammadov (MDC Berlin): emahammadov@gmail.com 
Rana Hussein (HU Berlin): husseinr@hu-berlin.de 
Yudhajeet Basak (HU Berlin): yudhajeet0304@gmail.com 
Colin Cess (MDC Berlin): colin.cess@gmail.com 
Lisa Juliane Kahl (Charité Berlin): lisa.kahl@charite.de 
Jeyan Jayarajan (MDC Berlin): jeyan.jayarajan@mdc-berlin.de 
Thilo Chillon (Charité Berlin): Thilo.Chillon@charite.de 


Affiliations of the organizing committee


Venue sponsored by



PDD 2023

Day 1: 2nd November

8:00 - 9:00: Registration

9:00 - 9:30: Welcoming Remarks by MDC Director Prof. Dr. Maike Sander and BUA Project Leader Elisabeth Nickler

Scientific Session

9:30-9:40: Gianmarco Ducci - From Data to Model Discovery: A New Approach for Complex Kinetic Reactions

9:40-9:50: Anne Kathrine Runge - Ancient diseases: how DNA from archaeological remains can enhance our understanding of the evolution of infectious pathogens

9:50-10:00: Amit Singh – Green steel

10:00-10:10: Sampurna Chakrabarti - Lightsaber Neuroproteomics: A new hope for chronic pain.

10:10-10:20: Tomislav Stolar - Grinding Away Plastic Waste: Enabling the Circular Economy of Plastics

10:30 - 11:00: Coffee break

11:00-11:10: Anna Alessandra Monaco - The prickly question of hedgehog spine evolution

11:10-11:20: Johannes Heinrich Weber - Hard probes of hot nuclear matter

11:20-11:30: Lotte Stagsted - Regulatory roles of 3D chromatin folding and alternative splicing in neurons

11:30-11:40: Markus Schleuning - Mitigation of free energy losses for efficient solar energy conversion

11:40-11:50: Bernadette Lessel - Historical origins of quantum gravity

12.00 - 12.15: Voting for “Best Pitch Talk”

12.15 - 13.30: Lunch Break

Career Inspiration Session: "From Postdoc to…"

Strategy Consultant Damir Omerbasic, Manager at Catenion

Group Leader - Claudia Crocini, DZHK junior research group leader at the Max Rubner Center for Cardiovascular Metabolic Renal Research at the Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin

Entrepreneur - Jorge Ferreira, Inventor, co-Founder and Managing Director at LIQUIDLOOP 

Editor Christian Kuttner, Associate Editor at Nature Communications  

Junior Scientist Konrad Gronke, Junior Scientist at  Immuno-Oncology Research, Bayer Pharmaceuticals

Scientific Communicator - Sabrina Patsch, Journalism trainee at the Tagesspiegel

15.00 - 17.00: Poster Session + CV check session offered by Catenion COO Arno Heuermann

17:00 - 17.30: 1 min pitch talk from the best 6 posters and final voting session for “Best Poster Presentation”

17.30 - 18.00: Award ceremony & closing remarks

18.00 to ...: Pizza & socialize!! (Refreshments and pizza provided)

Day 2: 3rd November

9:00 - 12:00: Workshops on Resilience, Conflict resolution, Podcasting for Researchers, Privilege and Ethics in data, Innovation skills, Science Communication


Talk prizes

The top 3 talks voted by PDD23 attendees will receive 300€ cash prize.

Poster prizes

The top 3 posters voted by PDD23 attendees will receive 150€ cash prize.

PDD 2022


8:00 - 9:00: Registration

9:00 - 9:30: Welcoming Remarks from Prof. Dr. Christopher Schneider, Vice-President of Research at the Humboldt University; Prof. Dr. Sabine Hunke, director of the Humboldt Graduate School; Dr. Jean-Yves Tano Scientific Coordinator - ASPIRE at Max Delbrück Center (MDC)

Scientific Session

9:30: Alexander Friedrich, Postdoc - "The AIFRI Project - Artificial Intelligence For Rail Inspection", Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM)

9:40: Arunima Murgai, Postdoc - "Hijacking the Cancer Cell - Are We One Step Closer to the Cure?", Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin

09:50: Clara Patricia Marshall, Postdoc - "Synthesis of catalysts for the challenges of renewable energy storage", Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft (FHI)

10:00: Alessandro Santuz, Postdoc - "Proprioceptive information must reach the brain to ensure robust locomotion", Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine (MDC)

10:10: Nils Köbis, Postdoc, "How Artificial Intelligence influences human ethical behavior", Max Planck Institute for Human Development

10:20: Delwen Franzen & Maia Salholz-Hillel, Postdoc & Final-year PhD student - "Improving clinical trial transparency with tailored report cards: a pilot intervention at the Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin", QUEST Center for Responsible Research

10:30 - 11:00: Coffee break

11:00: Charlie Vanaret, Postdoc - "Unifying nonlinear optimization - a cake metaphor", Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum für Informationstechnik Berlin (ZIB)

11:10: Vince Arafiles, Postdoc - "Crossing borders: direct cytosolic delivery of proteins using cell-penetrating peptide additives ", Leibniz-Institut für Molekulare Pharmakologie (FMP)

11:20: Kornelia Johann, Postdoc - "Taking a shot at obesity - Development of a novel CRISPR-based gene therapy to combat metabolic disease", German Institute of Human Nutrition Potsdam-Rehbrücke, Germany

11:30: Chris Liedl, Final-year PhD Student - "From flashing fireflies to quantum choirs: Spontaneous synchronization in superradiance", Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (HU)

11:40: David Wegner, Postdoc - "Luminescent Quantum dots – the next-generation nano light bulbs", Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM)

11:50: Sofia Elizarova, Postdoc - "A fluorescent nanosensor paint detects dopamine release at axonal varicosities", Leibniz-Institut für Molekulare Pharmakologie (FMP)

12.00 - 12.15: Voting for “Best Pitch Talk”

12.15 - 14.15: Poster session + Lunch Break with voting session for “Best Poster Presentation” (Lunch provided)

14.15 - 14.30: Voting session for “Best Poster Presentation”

Career Inspiration Session: "From Postdoc to…"

14.30 - 15.30: (12+3min Q&A)

Editor - Margherita Citroni, Senior Editor and Team Manager at Nature Publishing group

Group Leader - Sofia Kirke Forslund, Junior Group Leader at ECRC (MDC/Charité, Berlin)

Strategy Consultant - Can Sonmezer & Lukas Pluska, Consultants at Scitaris

Project ManagerAnna Maria Elert, QI Digital Manager at BAM

15.30-16.00: coffee break

16.00 - 17:00: (12+3min Q&A)

Management in High Tech Company - Jürgen Stuhler, Vice President of the Business Unit Quantum Technology at TOPTICA

Scientific Communicator - Gabriel León, La Ciencia Pop

Policy Analyst - Fabrizio Larcher, Analyst at the Directorate-General for Energy, European Commission

Entrepreneur - Marianna Prokopi-Demetriades, co-founder of Theramir Ltd, Promed Bioscience, and RSL Revolutionary Labs Ltd

17.00 - 17.30: 1 min pitch from the best 6 posters and final voting session for “Best Poster Presentation”

17.30 - 18.00: Award ceremony & closing remarks

18.00 to ...: Pizza & socialize!! (Refreshments and pizza provided)


Talk prizes

The top 3 talks voted by PDD22 attendees will receive 300€.

Poster prizes

The top 3 posters voted by PDD22 attendees will receive 150€.

PDD 2021


08:00 – 09:00    Registration

09:00 – 09:15    Opening

09:15 – 10:15    Scientific communication workshop – Elodie Chabrol

10:15 – 10:25    Coffee break

10:25 – 10:30   Introduction of Young Entrepreneurs in Science – Sebastian Al-halabi from Falling Walls

10:30 – 12:00    Postdoc Talks – Chair: Pablo Suárez-Cortés, MPIIB.

Talk #1 Technology and Innovative Business Modes for or against sustainability? Holistic Analyses in Crisis-Affected Contexts. 
Lubna Rashid. Technische Universität Berlin (TU); Alexander von Humboldt Institut für Internet und Gesellschaft.

Talk #2 The role of online ratings and reviews in digital discrimination.
Judith Kas. Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung (WZB). 

Talk #3 Obesity suppresses anti-tumour immunity.
Lydia Dyck. Trinity College Dublin; Max-Delbrück-Center for Molecular Medicine.

Talk #4 The sixth sense: Intraspinal sensory neurons control quadrupedal movement
Katrin Gerstmann. Max-Delbrück-Center for Molecular Medicine. 

CANCELLED Talk #5: Optogenetic perturbations of RNA expression in tissue space.
Ivano Legnini. MDC Mitte (BIMSB).  

Talk #6 Modeling and Forecasting the Dynamics of the Natural Gas Transmission Network in Germany with the Demand and Supply Balance Constraint.
Nazgul Zakiyeva. Zuse Institute Berlin.

12:00 – 13:00    Lunch Break

13:00 – 14:00    Poster Session

14:00 – 15:00    Postdoc Talks – Chair: Giovanna D. Ielacqua, MDC

Talk #7 Physical mechanisms of chromosome spatial organization.
Simona Bianco. Max-Delbrück-Centrum für Molekulare Medizin (MDC)

Talk #8 Applications of Video Game Development in Biomedical Research.
Adam Streck. MDC Mitte (BIMSB)

Talk #9 Association Plots: in the search of cluster-specific genes in single-cell transcriptome data.
Elzbieta Gralinska. Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics.

Talk #10 Single-photon turnstile.
Martin Cordier. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (HU).

15:00 – 15:15    Sponsor talk – Alexander Wallroth from Catenion

15:15 – 15:30    Coffee break

15:30 – 16:30    Keynote speaker – Uri Alon

16:30 – 17:00    Poster Pitches

17:00 – 18:00    Prizes & Conclusion & Socialize

18:00 – ...          Socialize & Pizza!



Talk prizes

The top 3 talks voted by PDD21 attendees will receive 300, 200 & 100€, respectively.


1. Single-photon turnstile. Martin Cordier. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (HU).

2.  Obesity suppresses anti-tumour immunity. Lydia Dyck. Trinity College Dublin; Max-Delbrück-Center for Molecular Medicine.

3. The role of online ratings and reviews in digital discrimination. Judith Kas. Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung (WZB). 


Poster prizes

The top 3 posters voted by PDD21 attendees will receive 150, 100 & 50€, respectively.


1. A role for the hearing gene Cib2 in somatosensory system. Dimitra Mazaraki. Max-Delbrück-Centrum für Molekulare Medizin (MDC)

2. A Single-photon turnstile – or how to interfere photon statistics. Maximilian Schemmer. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

3. Molecular mechanisms of presynaptic biogenesis in human neurons. Filiz Sila Rizalar.
Leibniz-Institut für Molekulare Pharmakologie (FMP)


PDD 2020


Check the Hopin event page for latest updates and changes to the program

Friday, November 13th on Hopin

09:00 – 09:15 Introduction

09:15 – 10:15 Keynote speaker – Prof. Emanuelle Charpentier, MPUSP Berlin

10:15 – 10:30 Coffee break

10:30 – 12:00 Postdoc Talks

12:00 – 13:00 Lunch Break

13:00 – 14:00 Poster Session

14:00 – 15:00 Chalk Talk Workshop with Matteo Cassese

15:00 – 15:15 Coffee break

15:15 – 15:30 Sponsor speaker from Bayer

15:30 – 16:30 Postdoc Talks

16:30 – 17:00 Poster Session

17:00 – 18:00 Prizes & Conclusion & Socialize



The best talks and posters will be chosen by participants’ vote on the day.

PDD 2019


Date: Thursday 6th of June 2019

08:30 Registration and poster set up

09:00 Opening and welcome – Marie Walde, MDC

09:15 Keynote lecture: “Visualising the invisible”, Prof. Nenad Ban, ETH Zürich

10:15 Session 1 – Chair: Miguel Arbesu, FMP   

10:15–10:35 “Differential dynamic behavior of histone tails with in-vitro reconstituted nucleosomal arrays”, Stamatios Liokatis, Principal investigator, FMP

10:35 – 10:55 “Structural studies of mutants of the NaK channel”, Sonja Minniberger, PhD student, FMP

11:00 Parallel sessions:

  • “Success through communication: how to communicate and network impactfully through social media”, Amani Said, Beyond the labs
  • “Visual communications principles for scientific posters and presentations”, Philip Jordan
  • Sabine Oertelt-Prigione, TBA
  • CV check – Sandra Krull, Uwe Lohmeier, Stefanie Scharf, MDC Postdoc Office

12:00 Session 2 – Chair: Ying Chow, FMP

12:00 – 12:20 “Deep neural networks for interpreting RNA binding protein target preferences”, Mahsa Ghanbari, Postdoc, MDC/HU

12:20 -12:40 “A landscape of circadian and ultradian alternative splicing events in mammalian tissues”, Rukeia El-Athman, PhD sudent, Charité/FU/HU

12:40 – 14:00 Lunch & Poster Session

14:00    Session 3 – Chair: Guus Heynen, MDC

14:00 – 14:20 “Gene expression cartography”, Nikos Karaiskos, Postdoc, MDC

14:20 – 14:40 “Compartmentalisation insulates gene expression during embryogenesis”, Michael Robson, Postdoc, MPImg

14:40 – 15:00 “The translational landscape of the human heart”, Sebastiaan van Heesch, Postdoc, MDC

15:00    Coffee Break

15:30    Session 4 – Chair: Jean-Yves Tano , MDC

15:30 – 15:50 “Quantifying the Immunopeptidome with PLAtEAU”, Eliot Morrison, Postdoc, FU

15:50 – 16:10 “Image global, detect local”, Marie Walde, Postdoc, MDC

16:10 – 16:30 “Aquatic ecosystem effects of replacing large herbivorous wildlife with livestock in savanna landscapes”, Frank Masese, Postdoc, Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB)

16:30 Closing summary – Jean-Yves Tano, MDC

17:00 Evening reception & Awards


The best talks and posters will be chosen by participants’ vote on the day.
Monetary prizes for best talks (750€, 500€, 250€).
4x travel grants (500€) for best posters.


Early bird registration: 01 April 2019.
Deadline for registration (abstract submission): 20 April 2019

PDD 2018


Date: Friday 1 June 2018

08:30 Registration and poster setup

09:00 Opening and welcome by Lisa Wagner

09:15 Keynote by Michela Matteoli introduced by Tania López Hernández
    “A long journey with the synapse: from the SNARE function to the immune-synaptopathies concept”

10:15 Structure Biology/Development/Physiology session chaired by Antoine Wallabregue

10:15 Daniel Stöppler (FMP, FU)
    “Insight into small molecule binding to the neonatal Fc receptor by X-ray crystallography and 100kHz magic-angle-spinning NMR”

10:30 Jesse Veenvliet (MPIMG)
  “tGastruloids: a 3D culture system to model mid-gestational development in a dish”

10:45 Ian Orozco (MDC, FMP)
    “A gain of function mutation in the ClC-2 chloride channel causes hyperaldosteronism”

11:00 Career Development parallel sessions and Networking (coffee provided)
– CV check by Sandra Krull, Konstantina Diamantara, Hanna Singer, Stefanie Scharf
– Scientific visualisation by Philipp Jordan
– Grant writing workshop by Ioannis Legouras
– Meet the keynote speaker
12:00 Imaging session chaired by Lisa Wagner

12:00 Min-Chi Ku (MDC)
    “A heart/hard condition: Imaging the progression of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy”

12:15 Baptiste Coxam (MDC, BIH)
    “Interplay of Notch signaling and haemodynamics controls arteriovenous remodeling in the zebrafish trunk”

12:30 Lunch

13:00 Posters

14:30 Systems Biology session chaired by Sebastiaan van Heesch

14:30 Katharina Baum (MDC and LIH (Luxembourg Institute of Health))
    “Gene expression at the interface of single cell and population dynamics – a quantitative approach to infer mRNA and protein dynamics from omics data”

14:45 Emanuel Wyler (BIMSB; MDC)
     “Dissecting the expression dynamics of signaling genes in HSV-1 infection using single-cell RNA-sequencing”

15:00 Katrina Meyer (MDC)
     “Mutations in disordered regions cause disease by creating dileucine motifs”

15:15 Frederick Rehfeld (Charité)
    “The novel RNA-binding protein ARPP21 controls dendritic branching by functionally opposing the miRNA it hosts”

15:30 Coffee with (optional) fitness session sponsored by Campus Vital

16:00 Neurobiology session chaired by Sarah Ashley

16:00 Zohreh Farsi (MDC)
    “Functional mapping of spontaneous and evoked neurotransmission reveals intersynaptic heterogeneity”

16:15 Maria Jäpel (FMP)
    “Clearance of SNARE Complexes by the scaffold protein intersectin”

16:30 Marion Rivalan (Charité, HU)
“Spontaneous differences in serotonin levels and associated behavioural symptoms in healthy rat individuals”

16:45 Tolga Soykan (FMP)
    “Towards a mechanistic model of formin-dependent synaptic vesicle endocytosis”

17:00 Closing summary, Beer hour starts

17:15 Awards


The best talks and poster will be chosen by participants’ vote on the day.

The postdoc/final year PhD student giving the overall best talk will be awarded a full travel grant to a conference/training course of their choice. The maximum cost covered will be 2000 EUR.

The postdocs/final year PhD students giving the runner-up talks (3) will be awarded a half travel grant to a conference/training course of their choice. The maximum cost covered will be 1000 EUR.
The best poster will be awarded a Nikon camera.


Deadline for submitting abstracts for talks and posters is 1 May 2018.

Abstracts selected for a talk will be notified by 10 May 2018, at the latest.

Registration, for attendance only, is possible up till 25 May 2018.

PDD 2017


08:30  Registration

09:00 Opening and welcome by Prof. Dr. Dorothea Fiedler (Director FMP Berlin)

09:30-10:30 Keynote speaker 1 Prof. Dr. Andreas Mayer (UNIL, Lausanne, CH)
Acidocalcisomes – active players in metabolism rather than simple storage organelles?
Introduction by Dr. Martin Lehmann (FMP)

10:30-11:00 Session 1: Mammalian Metabolism chaired by Dr. Elena Cano-Rincón (MDC)

Talk 1: Dr. Bharath Ananthasubramaniam (Charité, HU) – Synchrony and entrainment: The yin and yang of the mammalian circadian clock
Talk 2: Dr. Jane Reznick (MDC) – Fructose driven glycolysis supports anoxia resistance in the naked mole rat

11:00 – 11:30 Coffee Break

11:30-12:30 Session 2: Neurobiology chaired by Dr. Tolga Soykan (FMP)

Talk 3: Dr. Marta Maglione (FMP, Charité) – Spermidine protects from age-dependent structural and functional changes at hippocampal synapses
Talk 4: Dr. Mathias Böhme (FMP) – A modular active zone design supports presynaptic plasticity
Talk 5: Dr. Luis R. Hernandez-Miranda (MDC) – Identification of an essential brain centre for vocalisation
Talk 6: Dr. Tania López-Hernández (FMP) – Homeostatic control of brain function: Role of astroglia in neuroprotection

12:30-14:00 Lunch and Poster session

12:30-13:15 Posters odd numbers
13:15-14:00 Posters even numbers

14:00-15:00 Keynote speaker 2 Prof. Dr. Peter Seeberger (MPI Colloids & Surfaces, Potsdam, DE)
Preventing and Fighting Infectious Diseases: Carbohydrate Vaccines and Flow Chemistry
Introduction by Dr. Javier Moreno (FMP)

15:00-15:30 Session 3: Systems Biology & Genetics chaired by Dr. Sebastiaan van Heesch (MDC)

Talk 7: Sascha Willuweit (Charité) – For the greater good – Combining Y-chromosome, NGS and bioinformatics in forensics
Talk 8: Dr. Jordi Solana (MDC) – Cell type atlas and lineage tree reconstruction of whole adult planarians by single cell sequencing

15:30-16:00 Coffee Break

16:00-16:30 Session 4: Cardiovascular and cancer chaired by Dr. Claudia Matthäus (MDC)

Talk 9: Dr. Andre Rosa (MDC) – Blood vessels on the move: Deciphering and targeting actin dynamics driving cell migration in vascular formation
Talk 10: Samantha Exner (Charité) – Identification and validation of the angiotensin II receptor type 1 as a possible anti-cancer target in neuroendocrine tumours

16:30-17:30 Keynote speaker 3 Prof. Dr. Adolfo Saiardi (UCL London, UK)
Inositol phosphates: metabolism, signalling and evolution
Introduction by Dr. Wing Ying Chow (FMP)

17:30-end Award ceremony and get together at the Beer Hour 


We had some pretty great prizes for you in 2017:

1x iPhone 6S with ExoLens® PRO with Optics by ZEISS Wide-Angle Lens (kindly provided by Zeiss); 3x Travel grants for a conference or meeting of choice (kindly provided by the MDC, FMP and BIH) and 1x Nikon 3D camera (kindly provided by Nikon). Also, we’ll give away 3×60 euro vouchers for Campus Vital to keep all of you (or, at least three of you) fit and happy!

If you have any more questions, please don’t hesitate and contact us

Sponsor Us


The Berlin PostDoc Day aims at showcasing the work of PostDocs in Berlin, establishing synergies among institutes, and supporting Postdoc career.

The event attracts ~150 postdocs from all research fields and it reaches all of the scientific institutions and universities located in the Berlin area, one of the biggest science agglomerate in Europe.

We believe that this would be a highly valuable event for industry partners to connect with brilliant postdoctoral fellows, who often represent key players in scientific discovery and an untapped source of innovation and research progress.

We offer different sponsoring packages and we are available to offer personalized solutions for you.
If you are interested in sponsoring the Berlin PostDoc Day 2024, please contact Lisa J Kahl: lisa.kahl@charite.de.

Current Sponsors


