Sign up for the MDC Summer Research Camp "Adventure Knowledge 2014", this year from August 11-15

May 6 deadline to register your kids, grandkids, great-grandkids, etc.

Vacations are for fun and discovering new things, and there will be plenty of opportunities at the MDC’s summer research camp this year from August 11 to 15. Kids will have a chance to play beekeeper for a day, lording over the campus hives, to get a look behind the scenes of the Alba recycling plant in Berlin, and produce one of the simplest pharmacologial substances – aspirin – themselves in the laboratory. They’ll wade through the ponds of Karow, then wade through the Berlin Museum of Technology, then dry their feet off at the campfire and stuff themselves into an oblivious state at the grill.

Sure, the MDC offers the program as a way of taking the kids off your hands for one week of the summer, but the program is more diverse and exciting than any babysitter (except, of course, Mary Poppins, but she has an advantage: she can bend the rules of physics). When kids of the same age come together to learn about science and research, they experience a catalytic reaction that will make the week stick in their minds for a long time. The program is one of the efforts that the MDC made for families starting in 2011 as part of the “Work and family” intiative “audit berufundfamilie” of the Hertie Foundation.

The summer camp is part of a bundle of activities that earned the MDC certification under the program in 2009, renewed in 2013, making us one of 23 institutes in Berlin certified for family-friendly personnel policies.

More Information about the camp (in German) can be found in the program.

Don't miss the sign-up deadline!