LNDW Visual 2024

Long Night of the Sciences

Visit us on 22 June 2024 from 4 pm in Berlin-Buch and 5 pm in Berlin-Mitte

Long Night

We show you things and places that are otherwise only accessible to our scientists: At the Long Night of Sciences, we open our laboratories and buildings on June 22, 2024 – like many other scientific and science-related institutions in Berlin.

The event is made for science enthusiasts of all ages, there are:

  • laboratory tours
  • hands-on experiments
  • lectures
  • science shows
  • ... and much more

The Long Night of Sciences takes place once a year on a Saturday in June. With our locations on the Buch Campus and in Berlin-Mitte we participated on June 22, 2024.


© Header: elekktronaut x studio gid 

Highlights Buch

The MDC program ranges from interactive experiments and shows to the opportunity to look over the shoulder of scientists in the laboratory. Some of the highlights are presented here. 

Lab tours

Scientists at the Campus Buch invite you to their research labs to give you a glimpse into the future of medicine. They will present current biomedical research – topics and methods – and explain what we have learned so far about the “human system”. The number of participants is limited for all tours at the Max Delbrück Center.

Registration required: central info point

Misfolded is toxic for the brain
7 pm | 9 pm | ages 12 and up

Huntington's, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases all have one thing in common: misfolded proteins are deposited in the brain and poison the nerve cells there. We use the common vinegar fly as a model for neurodegenerative diseases to get to the molecular bottom of the causes and effects of misfolded proteins.

Registration: central information point MDC.C.

Cafe Scientifique

Pick a science topic that needs to be discussed – such as antibodies or genome editing. Add some coffee, take a seat, and let dedicated scientists serve you everything. Et voilà – the recipe for Café Scientifique is as simple as it is ingenious. Enjoy! 

Location: MDC.C foyer or terrace

Science meets art

Science is matter-of-fact and art is emotional – is that true? Research and work in the arts are both experimental and creative processes. Many scientists also paint, perform music, and take photographs. Some of them exhibit their artwork on the Buch campus.

Exhibition stands & other

From a skin cell to personalized medicine and biodiversity
4 pm - 11 pm

We can produce most cells of an organism from pluripotent stem cells. We will show you how this works and how we use it to develop personalized therapeutic approaches and even save endangered species. There are also three stations for pipetting: Adults can compete against a robot, kids can pipette different patterns into a plate using colored liquids – wearing lab coats and gloves, of course – and finally, teams of two or four can compete to see who can insert pipette tips the fastest. 

Please don’t touch
4 pm - 11 pm

Our laboratory delves into the intricacies of the somatosensory system and its neuronal circuits. How do we perceive touch and temperature? And how can we accurately measure neurological signals? Through interactive scenarios, we make our research tangible and accessible.

Spleen or stomach?
4 pm - 10 pm

Embark on a journey through the body and find your favorite organ in our MRI images! At our booth, you can try to segment an organ yourself on our computers and compare your results with the experts, artificial intelligence and other guests.

Thomas Gladytz

Step right inside the heart
Heart model | 4 pm - 11 pm

Each day, the human heart beats around 100,000 times. It keeps blood flowing in one direction through the four different chambers, and it ensures that the body is supplied with oxygen and nutrients and carbon dioxide and waste products are carried away from other vital organs and tissues. But what does the heart look like from the inside? What kind of tendons are attached to it, and how can you tell if an aortic valve is damaged? During the Long Night, you can explore a walk-in heart model and ask our scientists all your questions.

Highlights Mitte

Lab tours

Scientists at the Max Delbrück Center invite you to their research labs to give you a glimpse into the future of medicine. They will present current biomedical research  –  topics and methods –  and explain what we have learned so far about the “human system”. The number of participants is limited for all tours at the Max Delbrück Center. Registration: central info point.

Accompanying cells on their developmental journey
6 pm | 9 pm | 12 years and older

During embryonic development, a fertilized egg develops into a complete organism with many specialized cell types and tissues within a few weeks. But how do our cells know whether they should become a heart, nerve or liver cell? And how do cells communicate with each other to form complex tissues and organs? We will show you how we find out, using complex computer models based on single-cell sequencing data and organoids. Join us on this special journey!

Registration required: central info point on the ground floor

How can you fit Berlin’s TV tower inside a Kinder Surprise?
5:30 pm | 7 pm | 8:30 pm | 12 years and older

If you stretch the DNA molecule from a single human cell all the way out, it would be about two meters long. However, the nucleus of a human cell, which contains the DNA, is only about six μm in diameter – this is as small as a Kinder Surprise in comparison to Berlin’s TV tower! How does DNA fit inside such a small space and how does DNA folding affect gene activity and the biology of our cells? We at the Pombo lab use state-of-the-art techniques to study the role of chromatin origami in health and disease. 

Registration required: central info point on the ground floor

Single-cell approaches for personalized medicine
7:30 pm | 9:30 pm | 12 years and older

A tour and robot demo of the Single-cell Focus Area labs: Our body is made up of trillions of cells and every day they work together to perform the functions of life. However, when these cells go rogue, disease can strike! To better understand these cells, we can now look at them one by one, using modern single-cell technologies! Join us to learn how we look at each cell to understand the genetic and molecular changes that keep us healthy, or not. 

Registration: central info point at the ground floor


From idea to result – virus research and infection models
7:00 pm | 10:00 pm | 12 years and older

What is the path from a research idea to a tangible result? Which aspects do we have to consider, what challenges do we have to overcome? In this tour, we will give you insights into our daily work along these questions. We will explain how we go from extensive literature searches to the selection of adequate infection models to bioinformatical data analysis. We will also show you experimental lab methods from single-cell sequencing to tissue section analysis.

Registration required: central info point on the ground floor

Pathogen monitoring in the Berlin wastewater
6:30 pm | 8 pm | 9:30 pm | 12 years and older

The Berlin water authorities (Berliner Wasserbetriebe) are regularly measuring the coronavirus SARS-CoV2 in the Berlin wastewater. This allows us to monitor the spread of the virus and the emergence of new variants – regardless of people testing themselves. But not only corona can be detected in wastewater. We can identify any virus that is a nuisance to us and causes flu or diarrhea, for example. In this lab tour, we show how get clean measurement data from murky waters.


AI can replicate Bach, but not Händel (yet)
8 - 9 pm | Daniel Leon

Because of conceptual similarities between the multiscale nature of music and biology, some algorithms used to process biological data can be adapted to compose music. Daniel Leon will explain and demonstrate on the piano, how such an AI-based algorithm can replicate Bach’s chorales so well, that experts cannot distinguish between his actual compositions and those generated by AI. During his presentation, he will also dissect compositions from Händel to show why some music composition is so complex, that AI cannot reproduce it, at least not yet.

Pub Quiz

Of molecules, music and medals - a pub quiz for know-it-alls
11 pm - 12 am

Did you pay attention during the presentations and lab tours?  Are you familiar with sports, music, the big and small things of everyday life? Then compete against each other in small groups in our PubQuiz and put your knowledge to the test! Everyone can contribute and join in the guessing, the focus is on the team: whether expert or rookie, student or teacher, janitor or manager - the best team wins!

Exhibition stands, hands-on experiments, children's program

How new AI technologies improve life sciences
5 - 11 pm

Can a chatbot help oncologists to find the right therapy for a particular patient? We develop and train AI tools to analyze genetic data and identify key markers for diagnosis and treatment – to improve patient outcomes and advance precision medicine. One main focus area is discovering targets to treat solid tumors. In this case, we are using language models to interpret and solve data analysis problems. Curious about how this works? At our booth, you can interact with our AI tools via terminals. These are chatbots or other large language model-based technologies. 

Lab Olympics 
5 pm - 12 am

Pipetting, measuring, finding information – in our Lab Olympics you can put your abilities up to a test and find out whether you have what it takes to master the every-day lab work. A lab selfie is included.



More news about the Long Night of Sciences at the MDC


Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften




Location Berlin-Buch

Robert-Rössle-Straße 10
13125 Berlin


4 p.m. - 11 p.m.




Location Berlin-Mitte

Hannoversche Str. 28
10115 Berlin


5 p.m. - 12 a.m.




Long Night of the Sciences website